Therapy Groups

Groups provide a rare opportunity to receive multiple perspectives, support, encouragement and feedback from other individuals in safe and confidential environment. Process groups are typically unstructured. There isn’t a specific topic for each group session, but some of the groups may be focused on a particular theme or may be targeted to a specific group of individuals. These interpersonal interactions can provide group members an opportunity to deepen their level of self-awareness and to learn how they relate to others.

Kids and Teens Art Therapy Groups

Kids and Teens Art Therapy Groups

HandMade Happiness

This group is designed to help children and teens experiencing changes in their environment, behavioral problems, or difficulty understanding or expressing emotions. This group uses expressive therapy, art and play to help children and teens gain skills for coping with changes, identify and express thoughts and feelings appropriately, normalize and identify feelings, share experiences with others and learn healthy ways of expressing anger.

6 week series
1 hour sessions
$240/series discount*
(other payment options available)
1 free makeup session

Divorced Women's Group

Divorced Women's Group

The "D" WOrd

This group is specifically designed for women contemplating divorce or recovering from divorce allowing them to process internal dialogue, emotions and negative thought patterns. Participants will gain insight, self-esteem, and personal growth inside this supportive group setting. 

Tuesday, April 11th at 7 PM
8 week series
1 hour sessions
$55/session* or $360/series*
1 free missed session

Women's Trauma  Recovery Group

Women's Trauma  Recovery Group

Pain To Wellness

This is a trauma process group that surrounds establishing safety, stabilization, emotion regulation, distress tolerance, and interpersonal relationships with those who have experienced traumatic events.  These experiences can span from emotional, physical, and sexual abuse, chaotic or unstable home environments, chronic relationship issues, divorce, death, loss, and severe codependency issues.

Wednesday’s at 7 PM
12 week series
1 hour and 20 minute sessions
$40/session* or $420/series*
1 free missed session


*Special pricing options available, call for details