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Queen Balling: Nature's Metaphor for the Pressure on Women

Nature is full of astonishing rituals and behaviors that offer insights into our own human experiences.

One such phenomenon is the "queen balling" observed in honeybee hives, where the collective decides to smother and kill the queen bee if she fails to meet their expectations.

This natural display of behavior can draw striking parallels to the challenges and pressures faced by modern women, particularly mothers, when they fall behind in meeting societal expectations of productivity, efficiency, and effectiveness. These connections shed light on the struggles many women face on a daily basis: to bear the suffocating and yet illusive pressure of expectation.

The parallels between "queen balling" and women's experiences lend an opportunity to better understand the fascinating world of honeybee hives. In a bee colony, the queen bee plays a pivotal role as the mother of all bees. She is responsible for laying eggs and ensuring the hive's survival. However, if the queen fails to produce enough offspring or becomes inefficient in her duties, the hive can collectively decide to eliminate her.

  1. Expectations of Womanhood: Like the queen bee, women face enormous pressure to fulfill societal expectations including that not limited to timely partnership, self-empowerment, seamlessly managing work-life balance and meeting society's expectations of beauty. Society often places unrealistic demands on women to excel both at home and in their careers. The pressure to appear perfect is suffocating.

  2. The Struggle for Productivity: Just as the queen bee is expected to be highly productive, women in the workforce are often judged by their productivity and efficiency. Falling behind or not meeting arbitrary benchmarks can lead to feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt.

  3. Societal Judgment: In both scenarios, there is an element of societal judgment. Honeybee hives judge the queen's performance, and in modern society, women can face judgment and criticism if they don't meet the standards set for them. This judgment can come from family, friends, colleagues, and even themselves.

  4. Mental and Emotional Toll: The stress of living up to these expectations can take a significant toll on women's mental and emotional well-being. Many mothers experience burnout, anxiety, and depression as they try to juggle the demands of family and work.

Nature often provides us with powerful metaphors that help us understand the complexities of human life. The phenomenon of "queen balling" in honeybee hives serves as a poignant metaphor for the pressure placed on modern women, to excel in various roles. It's essential to recognize that just as in nature, the survival and well-being of a hive depend on the collective effort of all its members, so too does the strength of society depend on supporting and nurturing the diverse talents and capabilities of women, allowing them to thrive without undue pressure and judgment.

Emmett Royal Honey. (2022, May 6). Queen Balling Behavior: The How and Why. Retrieved from

Authored by Daron Elam, Owner & Executive Clinical Director